Click here for extended release notes on our Community Forum
- Question preview filtering
- Question preview multiple question selection
- Patient finder: filter terms with (or without) results
- Admins can delete inactive (empty) departments
- The delimiter can be customized for CSV exports
- Scheduled search now allows (new) patients found to be automatically included. In addition it can schedule an export to file right after the search completes
- We've added French translations
- Consistently sort the "categories" in the add term modal alphabetically
- Consistently sort the "found in" categories by their hits (in descending order)
- Filtering in concept confidences (‘absence’ or ‘presence’) now has a button to apply the settings. You're now in control of refreshing the page
- In the administration pages, the user overview can now be sorted and filtered for ‘active’ and ‘inactive’ users.
- Changing search criteria automatically stops running searches. They would otherwise complete and then prompt to search again
- Firefox users don't get an error screen after logout
- Changing a project department can now be done multiple times without having to refresh the page
- For combined columns, the ID columns can now also be selected.