- Updated surgery category: we have added many new date fields to search in!
The old surgery category has been deprecated, but it will continue to work as expected - Experimental feature: concepts extracted using artificial intelligence.
- Projects from the "old" application can now be imported into the current application.
- The account settings now have a section in which users can update their password.
- Added an "About" page that contains version information and a link to the release notes.
- The account verification process has been clarified and the expiry times of verification links are mentioned in the verification emails.
- Reset password link information has been clarified.
- Description filters are now "exact" by default (i.e., the description must be the same as the phrase) but they can be changed to "contains" (i.e., the phrase should appear).
- If time/numeric filters have values that form an invalid (empty) interval, we now show a warning message instead of marking the fields with an orange border
- In date propagation, we now check the the dates in a between date filter form a valid (non-empty) interval
- Duplicated terms now appear directly underneath the original terms
- The counts displayed in "Preview results" now reflect the filters that have been applied.
- The "matches criteria" or "does not match criteria" filter is no longer visible under the "Search results" tab on the "Patient cohorts" page, as it had no effect.
- Comments can now be exported. They will be included on a separate sheet.
- The most recent project export settings are now remembered specifically for that project and across browsers
- Users' data permissions are now saved automatically
- The keyboard shortcut to add a comment now appears in the keyboard shortcuts modal
- On large screens, the scrollbar for the horizontal validation page scrollbar is now be at the bottom of the page.
- On smaller screens, a lot of tables now scroll horizontally.
- Search for `atc code` is fixed
- The selected keyword (from the dropdown) for text search is now visible with all other synonyms
- Surgery durations are displayed in minutes.
- Changes in relative date filters are now taken into account when checking if search results are current
- The "you have validated all potential patients" message now appears when all patients have been included and/or excluded instead of the (incorrect) "no potential patients found" message
- The verification string for deleting a project did not have to include special characters. This has been fixed
- Projects with large numbers of search results can now be deleted
- In Firefox, reports and form texts should be readable in the table overviews.
- The horizontal scroll position of the table on the validation page is remembered again when navigating back to it from a validation result page